viernes, 24 de mayo de 2013

Classroom Management

    What are the goals of classroom management? What do you think are the most important principles of classroom management?
      A classroom management involves everything that a teacher must to carry out his/her teaching objectives. It includes preparation of plans and materials, structuring of activities into time blocks, direct teaching of skills and subject matter, grouping of pupils to provide for the most efficient use of teacher and pupil time.
I think that we, teachers, want to reach some goals through our teaching and some goals of a classroom management are:
Creating a good environment: we have the responsibility to create a good environment in our classes in order to students feel safe and comfortable.
Managing students’ behavior: it is very important we as teachers influence in students education so that we play an important role in their behavior and if they have a good behavior we will have a good relationship and it will help to get better outcomes in teaching.
Organization space: it will help to students feel more comfortable and they will be encouraged to participle in the different activities.
Enjoy every time that we teaching: I want to enjoy every single class that I will teach it doesn’t matter if I’m tired or if I have problems because we teachers must be separate those things.
I want the my students be interested in to learn many things about English and it is for that that I want to reach these goals because we don’t have to create a boring classroom management we must create an excellent classroom management in order to get a successful learning and knowledge about English.
In the other hand there are principles that are very important into the classroom management such us:
Be friendly: I consider that if we have a good relationship with students they will be safe with you and they’ll pay more attention in the class.
Be interested: we teachers have to be interested in to know more about students’ lives because we spend a lot of time with them, we have to know what they like, which their interests are and what they want to reach.
Be flexible: sometimes we have to be flexible because no all students do the activities in the same way and there are many of them that have difficulties in their learning so that sometimes we have to understand that can need more time but no too much.
Be persistent: we must understand that some students have problems with learning, therefore we don’t have to give up we have to be patient and try to help them in order to their knowledge can be better.

viernes, 17 de mayo de 2013

what are you motives for teaching?

What are you motives for teaching? What rewards or incentives do you get from teaching? How might your motives interfere with your ability to put the needs of your students ahead of your own?

Well, sincerely I have a lot of motives for teaching. I think that to teaching is amazing because we can share many things with others and we as teachers have a big responsibility to inspire people and now in our case we have the responsibility to inspire teenagers because we are teaching in junior high school, and I some motives that I have to teach are:

-inspiring students: I like to inspires my students in to learn English and I really want that they learn a lot of things about the second language, so that I feel really happy when they want to know more and more.
-The environment: teaching junior high school students is amazing because the environment is very good and we as teachers learn many things of students. The environment is really important because if we try to create a good environment student will feel comfortable and it will help in their learning. So that I make my best effort to do something different in my classes in order to my students want to learn something new and work with them is amazing because they have a lot of energy and they transmit me it.
-the different  personalities: another  motive that I have in order to teach is know the students personalities because they all are different and everyone has different challenges and I like to know that and I enjoy knowing how to face different behaviors.

I consider that I receive many rewards of my teaching because my students always want to participle the majority of them do their homework assignments and they always pay me attention so that I think that is wonderful when you know that students like to know about English they are like a motor for us because we feel encouraged in the world of teaching because I consider that students don’t do it anything we, teachers., would feel disappointed and don’t want to teach so that I believe our students are our motor.

In the other hand we, teachers have our own abilities to teach but probably our students don’t get the topics our explanations through our methods of teaching, but we must to know that the needs of students are more important than ours. So that that I will do is to change my teaching methods in order to all my students can understand, another thing that I would do is to change my strategies because I have to think in something that could be better for the learning students.

viernes, 10 de mayo de 2013

Things i like about working with teenagers and things i dont like.

List the things you like about working with teenagers. Why? List the things you don’t like. Why?

Well, first able I want to tell that working with teenager is a really good experience because we as teachers can learn many things of them.
They have a highly developed and it is very interesting, teenagers are characterized because they have a highly energy. Teenagers are in the process of create their own identity and they want to achieve many things and we as teachers, are doing our best effort to encouraged them to do it even though work with teens it is not easy because they all have different behaviors and we have to adapt it in and we have to behave as teenagers, too, but I really enjoy to work with them.

What I like about working with teenagers:

1-their interest: they are very interested in to learn English and it is wonderful because don’t get bored into the class.
2- Their motivation and energy: many of my students are very motivated in learning English and they always want to participle and they ask a lot of things, too, but this is good because they want to learn many things about the second language.
3- Their personalities: I like to work with them because even though each of them has a different personality they are unique and I have learned a lot of things about them.
4- Their respect: I really love this because they always respect me and never had told me nasty words or something like that.
5- Their attention: my students always pay me attention and get involved in the different activities that I developed.
What I don’t like about working with teenagers:

1-they don’t like to work in groups: many of them don’t like to work with some of their classmates because sometimes they are not friends
2-some of my students are irresponsible: sometimes they don’t do their homework assignments
3- some of them don’t ask when don’t understand something they prefer be quiet maybe because they are afraid to ask.

viernes, 3 de mayo de 2013

What can the World Wide Web offer ESL/ EFL teachers?

What can the World Wide Web offer ESL/EFL teachers?

ESF/EFL teachers need to use different kinds of tools so that their 

teaching can be more successful. Computers, for example are one 

of the most useful and nowadays we as teachers depend on them. 

Actually I think that the use of computers is very important and 

necessary  in  the teaching world.

I believe that that the World Wide Web can offer many interesting 

things to ESL teachers in order to their teaching could be better. The

 use of internet around the world grow day after day and many 

people have a computer and it is nowadays is very important in the 

World Wide Web because it is very useful. If we as teachers use the web

 in order to improve our teaching it could be a grateful resource. So

 that using the web we can create a good environment because the

Web offers a rich database of authentic material.

We can take advantage about the web and the use of computers.

 We as teachers must know that the Web is not only a tremendously 

effective means for disseminating instructional materials, but that it 

can also provide a context for efficient collaborative materials 


I think that in the web we can find many links that are powerful in 

learning English and they are not only to teachers but also to 

students, we have to tell our students the importance that the use of

 internet has.

In addition the World 

Wide Web is a really 

important source in the 

teaching world and it 

offers a lot advantages 

because we can use 

documents that contain 

many things about English, we teach using videos, music, etc. and we

 can do it using the web and the computer therefore they are

 necessary in the teaching world.