jueves, 22 de agosto de 2013

Classroom questions.

What are the purposes of teacher’s classroom questions?

Questioning is one of the most popular modes of teaching. For thousand years, teachers have known that it is possible to transfer factual knowledge and conceptual understanding through the process of asking questions. Asking questions could be a tool really important in teaching because if students interact with the teacher they will acquired more knowledge and they will like to participate in the class and the more that will participate the more that they will learn.

We, teachers have different purposes to classrooms questions for instance;

-To involved students in the lesson: if we ask to the students they will be involved in the lesson and they will answer and at the same time they will be learning a little more.

-To share ideas: when we ask to the students we give them the opportunity to share ideas or to know the different points of view that they have in disscussions topics or about the lesson.

-To evaluate students learning: using classroom questions we will notice how much students have learned because we will know if they have understood what we have been teaching.

I consider that classroom questions are essentials in the classroom because it is an excellent way in learning. Besides the teacher can interact with the students and will notice what is easy and difficult to their students,

Interacting in the classroom through asking questions will help to students in knowledge, so we must to apply always questions classroom and our students will want to participate and will learn a lot.

Teachers can use warm up or something like that to ask questions to their students and doing this probably students will want to participate.

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