viernes, 3 de mayo de 2013

What can the World Wide Web offer ESL/ EFL teachers?

What can the World Wide Web offer ESL/EFL teachers?

ESF/EFL teachers need to use different kinds of tools so that their 

teaching can be more successful. Computers, for example are one 

of the most useful and nowadays we as teachers depend on them. 

Actually I think that the use of computers is very important and 

necessary  in  the teaching world.

I believe that that the World Wide Web can offer many interesting 

things to ESL teachers in order to their teaching could be better. The

 use of internet around the world grow day after day and many 

people have a computer and it is nowadays is very important in the 

World Wide Web because it is very useful. If we as teachers use the web

 in order to improve our teaching it could be a grateful resource. So

 that using the web we can create a good environment because the

Web offers a rich database of authentic material.

We can take advantage about the web and the use of computers.

 We as teachers must know that the Web is not only a tremendously 

effective means for disseminating instructional materials, but that it 

can also provide a context for efficient collaborative materials 


I think that in the web we can find many links that are powerful in 

learning English and they are not only to teachers but also to 

students, we have to tell our students the importance that the use of

 internet has.

In addition the World 

Wide Web is a really 

important source in the 

teaching world and it 

offers a lot advantages 

because we can use 

documents that contain 

many things about English, we teach using videos, music, etc. and we

 can do it using the web and the computer therefore they are

 necessary in the teaching world.

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